Hi all,
It’s been a few months since I last wrote, but I just had to write because there’s a lot of exciting new AI art events happening!
As a reminder, I sustain myself as a full-time artist and AI art educator, by doing stuff like this. You can support me by buying me a coffee, venmo, or supporting me on Patreon.
Upcoming AI Art Events
This Sunday 4/25! I’m teaching a 1.5 - 2h intro workshop on making audio reactive animations with TouchDesigner and RunwayML, Sunday 4/25 at 3-4:30ishpm Eastern. Tickets sliding-scale, so why not?
May 5, 6 - 7:30pm BST. The 2021 AI Art Festival kicks off! Starting May 5, running all the way through the Fall. Online talks about deepfakes, filmmaking with AI, the future of creative AI. Tickets are free! If you happen to be in the UK, there are also in-person exhibitions as well.
Thursday, May 6 - 7:30pm CET. ARTIFICIA has been hosting an AI music session series. The next session is on Musical Performance & Education with AI; free on Youtube Live. The first two sessions—Musical Improvisation with AI, and Musical Composition with AI— were recorded and are already up on YT!
New AI Art Resources & Open calls
Check out this MIT course on AI & Creativity. all the lectures are recorded & up on Youtube already! Talks by Tom White, Sofia Crespo, Jesse Engel, Devi Parikh, Aaron Hertzmann, and more.
Open Call: Flanders Arts Institute for developing alternative ways for working digitally in the arts. 12,000 Euros. May 14 deadline.
What about Lia?
NFTs: I’ve been minting NFTs on hic et nunc (a Tezos-based platform that is way better for the environment than Ethereum). You can buy Flowers Makin Whoopee or Listener Interspace for 25 tez. Bonus gift: Holders receive access to a collectors-only AI art lesson from me, and a private streamed cello concert from Nathan Chan of the Seattle Symphony! Nathan and I also got interviewed by Crosscut on our NFTs here.
TD: I’ve been playing with TouchDesigner and making more audio-reactive stuff— hence the focus of my upcoming workshop!
Emily Saltz, Claire Leibowicz, and I led a workshop at Mozilla Festival in March on the Responsible AI Art Field Guide. The guide also got featured by ARTIFICIA!
This edition’s featured AI Artist: Esteban Salgado
Esteban Salgado is an artist, designer & machine learning researcher interested in the relationship of transformation and consciousness. Recently he’s been working in Hydra and TouchDesigner to generate visual material for datasets and then training StyleGAN2 on it. I absolutely love his stuff, and he posts new pieces on IG very regularly. He’s also looking for new projects and collaborations. :)
Sweet! And that’s all for today. If you have resources, open calls, etc that you’d like to see in the next issue, please pass them my way.
Til next time!
Hugs & Robots,
I sustain myself as a full-time artist and educator by teaching others how to make AI art. Buy me a coffee, venmo, or support me on Patreon.